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hammer to fasten with hammer and nails. [1/14 definitions]
hasp to furnish or fasten with a hasp. [1/2 definitions]
hook up to connect or fasten with a hook or hooks. [1/3 definitions]
hoop to hold together, fasten, or support with or as if with a hoop. [1/7 definitions]
infix to fasten, set, or drive in. [1/5 definitions]
join to put, bring, fasten, or connect together. [1/8 definitions]
knot1 to fasten with one or more knots. [1/14 definitions]
lace a cord or string used to fasten or hold together two edges, esp. of a shoe or boot. [1/6 definitions]
lanyard a short rope or wire used to fasten or tauten gear or rigging on a ship. [1/4 definitions]
latch to lock or fasten securely with a latch. [1/2 definitions]
latch onto (informal) to fasten oneself to. [1/2 definitions]
loop to attach or fasten with a loop or loops (often fol. by "up"). [1/11 definitions]
nail a slim, pointed metal rod, usu. topped by a flat head, that can be hammered into a material such as wood in order to fasten or reinforce. [2/7 definitions]
padlock to fasten with a padlock. [1/2 definitions]
peg to fasten, plug, or mark with a peg or pegs. [1/5 definitions]
pin a small, sharp piece of stiff wire with a flat or round head, often used to fasten or attach pieces of cloth or other similar material. [1/7 definitions]
post1 to fasten or affix to a wall or other surface. [1/6 definitions]
reeve2 to pass (a line or rod) through a hole, ring, or block, or to fasten by so doing.
rivet to fasten or attach with, or as if with, a rivet or rivets. [1/3 definitions]
sandal an open shoe made from a sole and straps that fasten the sole to the foot.
screw to fasten or attach using a screw or screws. [1/17 definitions]