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hammerlock a hold in which a wrestler pulls one arm of an opponent backward and twists it upward.
handspring a complete somersault in which a person flips forward or backward onto the hands and ends with a springing return to the standing position.
hartebeest any of several large African antelopes characterized by a brownish coat and long backward-curving horns.
have sternway on of a vessel, to move backward.
hillbilly (informal) a person who comes from a remote rural area, esp. from the mountainous region of the southern United States; often, a person considered to be primitive or backward because of this residence or origin. [1/2 definitions]
hyperextension the extension or bending backward of a limb, esp. at the elbow or knee, beyond its normal limits. [1/2 definitions]
ibex any of a variety of mountain goats of Eurasia and North Africa, esp. those that have long, backward-curving horns.
jerkwater (informal) unsophisticated, backward, or insignificant.
jet1 an airplane powered by engines discharging a backward flow of heated gases to create forward propulsion. [1/5 definitions]
jet engine an engine that develops thrust by the backward expulsion of a jet of fluid or gaseous products of combustion, used esp. in aircraft.
kick a violent backward thrust, as of a gun when fired. [1/14 definitions]
kickback an abrupt, usu. backward motion of a machine or tool that has struck something forcefully. [1/2 definitions]
lateral in football, a sideways or backward pass to another player. [2/4 definitions]
lateral pass in football, a sideways or backward pass.
moonwalk a dance step in which the dancer appears to be moving forward but is in fact moving backward. [1/2 definitions]
palindrome a word, number, phrase, or longer expression with letters or numbers in the same order both backward as forward, such as "level," "1881," and "Able was I ere I saw Elba".
pawl a pivoting lever or tongue, or a sliding bolt, that is made to catch in the notches of a ratchet wheel to prevent backward motion or assist forward motion.
pitchout in football, an underhanded lateral or backward pass from the quarterback to one of the running backs. [1/2 definitions]
reciprocate to move forward and backward in alternation. [1/4 definitions]
recurve to bend or curve back or backward, as the ends of certain shooting bows.
redouble to turn backward; backtrack. [1/7 definitions]