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HDTV abbreviation of "high definition television," a form of digital television that broadcasts images with greater detail than conventional television.
iconography the representation of meanings, esp. conventional ones, by visual symbols or images. [1/3 definitions]
longhair (informal) someone with long hair, esp. when hair length symbolizes protest against conventional values. [1/5 definitions]
middlebrow (informal) a person who is considered to have very conventional or middle-class tastes or interests, and to be anti-intellectual. [1/2 definitions]
mind reader one who professes or is said to have the ability to know what another is thinking without any conventional means of communication.
Mister a conventional title of courtesy, usu. abbreviated and placed before a man's last name or title of office. [1/3 definitions]
mourn to abide by conventional forms for acknowledging the death of a person, as by wearing black or the like. [1/5 definitions]
mourning conventional outward signs of grief over a death, or of acknowledgment of it, as by the wearing of armbands, black clothing, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
Mr. abbreviation of "Mister," a conventional title of courtesy, usu. abbreviated and placed before a man's last name or title of office. [1/2 definitions]
Mrs. abbreviation of "Mistress," used as a conventional title of courtesy for a married woman and usually placed before the name she has taken in marriage.
Ms. a conventional title of courtesy often used before the surname of a single or married woman.
nonconventional combined form of conventional.
orthodox of, concerning, or following that which is customary, generally approved, or conventional. [1/4 definitions]
out-of-bounds beyond or outside of designated or conventional boundaries or limits. [1/2 definitions]
pronunciation a conventional or accepted standard of pronouncing words, syllables, and the like. [1/4 definitions]
punctuation mark any conventional symbol used to punctuate written text.
ready-made not made to fit the case; standard or conventional; preconceived. [1/3 definitions]
rebellion resistant defiance against what is conventional or restrictive. [1/2 definitions]
rebellious resisting what is conventional or restrictive. [1/4 definitions]
sign a conventional mark or symbol that stands for a word or for the thing or process signified by the word. [1/11 definitions]
square (informal) one who is conventional, conservative, or old-fashioned. [2/24 definitions]