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Dictionary Suite
herd any group of domestic or wild animals of the same species that feed and travel together. [2/8 definitions]
Himalayan any of a breed of domestic cat, bred by crossing Siamese and Persian cats, that has blue eyes and long, light-colored fur except on the face, ears, feet, and tail, which are dark. [2/3 definitions]
hock1 the analogous joint on the leg of a chicken, turkey, or other domestic fowl. [1/4 definitions]
hog a domestic pig or swine, esp. one that weighs over 120 pounds, raised for meat. [1/4 definitions]
home office (cap.) the branch of government in Great Britain that handles domestic matters. [1/2 definitions]
internal pertaining to the domestic affairs of a country. [1/4 definitions]
internal revenue government revenue that is derived from domestic sources, such as taxes on income, profits, luxuries, and amusements.
intestine within a country or state; internal or domestic. [1/2 definitions]
jungle fowl any of several tropical birds with combs and wattles, related to the domestic chicken.
leghorn (usu. cap.) any of a Mediterranean breed of domestic chicken raised for its ability to lay many white eggs. [1/3 definitions]
livestock (used with a sing. or pl. verb) domestic animals, such as cows, horses, or sheep, raised or kept on a farm or ranch.
longhair a breed of animal, esp. the domestic cat, with long fur. [1/5 definitions]
Maltese any of a breed of domestic cat that has short bluish gray fur; Maltese cat. [1/5 definitions]
Manx cat a short-haired domestic cat with either a rudimentary tail, or no tail at all.
Mikhail Gorbachev a statesman and leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to 1991, during which time his foreign policy and domestic reforms contributed to the end of the Cold War and the dissolution of the Communist U.S.S.R. (b.1931).
nondomestic combined form of domestic.
ox one of a breed of large domestic cattle commonly used as draft animals, esp. an adult, castrated male. [1/2 definitions]
pashm the fine woolly underhair of domestic Himalayan goats.
Persian cat any of a breed of domestic cat that was originally developed in Persia and the Middle East and that has long hair and a broad, round head.
phenothiazine a greenish organic compound used to expel intestinal worms in domestic animals, as an insecticide, and in the synthesis of tranquilizers.
plastic any of numerous synthetic substances, usu. organic polymers, that can be easily shaped when soft and then hardened, and that are widely used as industrial and domestic materials and finished products. [1/5 definitions]