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high-speed designed to travel or operate at higher-than-standard speeds.
hookup an arrangement or system, as of electrical circuits and equipment designed to operate together. [1/3 definitions]
idle of a machine or motor vehicle, to operate out of gear, slowly, or without accomplishing work or motion. [1/10 definitions]
keep good time of a clock or watch, to operate well and accurately show the time. [1/2 definitions]
keyboard a row or rows of keys used to operate a piano, typewriter, computer, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
laker a ship built to operate on lakes, esp. the Great Lakes. [1/2 definitions]
liquidity the ability of a business to operate without borrowing or selling off its capital assets. [1/3 definitions]
machinist's mate a petty officer trained to operate and repair ships' engines.
malfunction to fail to operate or function. [2/3 definitions]
man to run or operate something. [1/9 definitions]
manipulate to handle or operate skillfully with the hands. [1/3 definitions]
motorcycle to go by motorcycle; ride on or operate a motorcycle. [1/2 definitions]
nature the complex of processes and forces that operate throughout the universe. [1/9 definitions]
overdrive an arrangement of gears that allows a driveshaft to operate at a given range of speeds with reduced power requirements.
overoperate combined form of operate.
pedal to operate or use a pedal or pedals. [2/7 definitions]
perpetual motion the movement of a hypothetical device which, once put in motion, would operate indefinitely by creating its own energy in excess of that expended.
pilot to operate (an aircraft) or steer (a ship). [1/6 definitions]
pinball a game played on a device with a sloping board using controls to operate flippers that can propel a small ball into the playing area where it can strike targets and score points.
platoon to form or operate as a platoon. [1/6 definitions]
pop-up pertaining to or being a business establishment that is set up very quickly and intended to operate on a short-term, temporary basis. [1/6 definitions]