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hold one's peace to stay quiet; not speak.
hover to stay suspended in the air, often by rapid fluttering, spinning, or the like. [2/4 definitions]
hug to stay close to while moving beside or on. [1/5 definitions]
jackstay a stay that steadies a ship's mast against the strain of the gaff. [1/3 definitions]
keep to stay in, at, or on. [1/14 definitions]
keep one's balance to stay upright.
keep one's chin up to stay optimistic; not lose hope.
keep one's distance to stay physically or emotionally removed; remain aloof or far away.
keep one's wits about one to stay alert and watchful.
keep track of to stay informed about, esp. by making observations and keeping records.
keep up to stay informed (often fol. by "with"). [1/7 definitions]
leave1 to allow to stay in a particular condition. [2/10 definitions]
live1 to have the will to stay alive for a particular purpose or pleasure (usually used figuratively). [1/10 definitions]
lodge to stay in living quarters, esp. for a short time. [1/11 definitions]
look-in a brief stay or visit. [1/2 definitions]
martingale in the rigging of a sailing ship, a stay that helps hold a sail down. [1/2 definitions]
ollie a skateboarding move in which one tips the board up by putting weight on the rear foot and thrusts forward with the front foot, simultaneously jumping into the air, with the feet appearing to stay on the skateboard.
outstay to stay longer than.
overstay to stay beyond the limits of.
penalty box an enclosure to the side of a hockey rink where penalized players must stay.
put up to stay temporarily in a place that is not one's home. [1/11 definitions]