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Dictionary Suite
home the physical structure of a residence; house or apartment. [1/16 definitions]
homeowner a person who owns a home, usu. his or her own residence.
housemother a woman whose occupation is supervising a residence for children or students, esp. a dormitory, fraternity, or sorority.
house party the entertainment of guests overnight or for several days in a home, vacation residence, fraternity house, or the like.
identity who a person is as defined by one's name, place of residence or birth, and certain physical characteristics. [1/4 definitions]
immigrate to take up permanent residence in a place or country to which one is not native. [1/2 definitions]
infirmary a place for the care of the ill or injured, such as a hospital or clinic, or a space devoted to such care in an institutional residence such as a school or camp.
living room a room in a residence, usu. with a couch, armchairs, and the like, used for various social and leisure activities.
locate to establish a residence or a place of business. [1/4 definitions]
location a specific site for a residence or business, in regard to appropriateness, beauty, opportunity, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
manor a landed estate and its main residence; mansion.
mansion a large, imposing residence. [1/2 definitions]
move back to return oneself and one's possessions to a previous place of residence or business. [1/4 definitions]
move in to cause or help (someone) to become situated in a new residence or business location. [1/6 definitions]
novitiate the residence that religious novices occupy. [1/3 definitions]
nursing home a residence, usu. operated as a public or commercial enterprise, that offers nursing care to the disabled, elderly, or the like.
out not present in the place where one usually is, such as one's home, office, or area of residence. [1/29 definitions]
palace the official residence of royalty or other head of state. [1/3 definitions]
Palacio Nacional any similar palace that serves as an official presidential residence or site of cultural heritage, such as found in Guatemala and Portugal. [1/2 definitions]
patrilocal of or concerning residence with or near the family or tribe of one's husband.
people persons in regard to a leader, employer, residence, or the like. [1/7 definitions]