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horn the hard, bony, hollow growths that extend, usu. in a pair, from the head of certain mammals such as cows and deer. [1/6 definitions]
lantern jaw a bony, projecting lower jaw.
loach any of various small, bony, freshwater fishes of Europe and Asia that have barbels around the mouth.
ocean sunfish any of a family of bony marine fishes, esp. a large, slow-moving, tropical species with a flattened body resembling an upright disk.
orbit one of the two bony sockets that encase the eyeballs. [1/7 definitions]
osseous of the substance of, containing, or similar to bone; bony.
osteal osseous; bony. [1/2 definitions]
osteitis inflammation of a bone or bony tissue.
osteoma a nonmalignant tumor of bony tissue.
palate the roof of the mouth, which separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity and consists of a bony front section and a soft muscular back section. [1/2 definitions]
perilymph the fluid between the bony and membranous labyrinths of the ear.
pipefish any of various elongated, bony-plated fishes found in marine or fresh waters that have tube-shaped snouts.
quadrate one of a pair of bones in the skulls of many vertebrates, such as birds, reptiles, bony fishes, and amphibians, to which the lower jaw is attached. [1/5 definitions]
rawboned having a bony, thinly fleshed body; gaunt; lean.
ringbone a pathological bony growth on the pastern bones of a horse's leg, which often causes lameness.
sauger a small North American freshwater fish with a spotted, bony dorsal fin.
scrag a bony piece of meat, such as the lean end of a neck of mutton. [1/2 definitions]
scutate having bony plates or scales, as a turtle. [1/2 definitions]
scute any external horny or bony plate, as on the shell of a turtle, that serves as protection.
scutellate of an insect or animal, protected by bony plates or scales. [1/2 definitions]
shagreen the rough skin, covered with bony denticles, of certain sharks or dogfish, used as an abrasive. [1/3 definitions]