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Dictionary Suite
hospitalize to place in a hospital for medical treatment or surgery.
iatrogenic caused by a physician or medical treatment, esp. from drugs or surgery.
implant something planted or established firmly in something else, esp. in living tissue by surgery. [1/3 definitions]
incision a cut, esp. one made during surgery. [1/3 definitions]
inoperable not curable or improvable by surgery. [2 definitions]
job (informal) an operation using plastic surgery, done for the purpose of enhancing appearance. [1/11 definitions]
laparoscope a medical instrument, inserted in the abdomen by surgery, that is used for viewing the abdominal or pelvic organs.
lithotomy surgery to remove mineral deposits from the bladder.
lobotomy surgery involving a cut into or across a lobe of the brain.
mastectomy the removal of a woman's breast by surgery.
microsurgery surgery performed under magnification with precision instruments, as in the repair of severed nerves or blood vessels.
neurosurgery the branch of surgery specializing in the nervous system, esp. the brain and spinal cord.
open-heart surgery surgery involving diversion of the blood so that the heart can be exposed and repaired.
oral surgery a branch of dentistry that uses surgery as treatment for certain disorders of the teeth, gums, and jaws.
plastic surgery surgery to repair, restore, or remodel injured or malformed parts of the body, esp. by transferring tissue from other parts of the body or from another individual.
-plasty formation, esp. with regard to plastic surgery.
postoperative done or occurring after surgery.
presurgery combined form of surgery.
recovery room a specially equipped and staffed hospital room where patients recovering from anesthesia after surgery can be closely monitored.
resection the removal of part of a bone or other structure in surgery.
rhinoplasty plastic surgery on the nose.