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Dictionary Suite
hydric of, relating to, or preferring a moist or wet environment. [1/2 definitions]
hydrophyte a plant that grows in water alone or in esp. wet ground.
hydroplane to skim a watery surface in the manner of a hydroplane, as a speeding automobile on a wet road. [1/5 definitions]
imbrue to wet or saturate with a stain, esp. of blood.
liverwort any of numerous moss-related, flowerless plants that grow in wet places or on tree trunks.
marsh a wet, low-lying area, often thick with tall grasses; bog.
moist slightly or somewhat wet. [2/4 definitions]
moisten to make or become slightly wet; dampen.
morass an area of soft wet ground such as a swamp or bog. [1/2 definitions]
muck wet soil or mud with a high organic content. [1/7 definitions]
mudflow a large, usu. downward flow of wet earth.
mudroom a room in a house, esp. a farmhouse, that is used for the removal and storage of wet and muddy footwear and outerwear.
oozy1 giving off, or wet with, moisture.
papier-mâché a moldable substance, often used for decorations, that is made of pulped or shredded paper, glue, and other materials, and that is soft and pliable when wet but dries to become hard and stiff.
peat moss any of various mosses that grow in wet areas and that may be dried and burned as fuel.
plaster cast a sturdy rigid covering consisting of gauze saturated in plaster of Paris which is wrapped, when still wet, around a fractured limb or other part to prevent movement during healing. [1/2 definitions]
quagmire wet, soft, sucking ground; marsh; bog. [1/2 definitions]
rewet combined form of wet.
rice a grass that is widely cultivated in warm, wet areas, esp. in India and China. [1/3 definitions]
sandcastle a toy castle made on a beach by molding wet sand.
sandhog one who does excavation work in sandy, wet conditions, esp. a laborer working on the construction of an underwater tunnel.