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immobile standing or holding still; not moving; motionless. [1/2 definitions]
impassive not moving or moved; still or tranquil. [1/3 definitions]
imperfect an item of goods that contains a defect but still is considered usable and is offered for sale usu. at a lower price. [1/5 definitions]
inertia in physics, the tendency of a motionless body to remain still or of a body in motion to continue at a constant velocity along a straight line unless subjected to some external force. [1/2 definitions]
infant young or early; still growing or developing. [1/3 definitions]
left over still remaining, not having been consumed, used, or finished at an earlier time (used in the predicate only; not used before a noun). [2 definitions]
nestling a young bird still confined to the nest. (Cf. fledgling.)
nonetheless despite the foregoing; still; nevertheless.
on the rebound (informal) done while still recovering from a divorce, rejection, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
palimpsest a piece of parchment or other writing material on which a text has been written over one or more earlier texts that are still partially visible.
peace be quiet! keep still! [1/6 definitions]
pinfeather an undeveloped feather just emerging through the skin of a bird, and often still encased in a horny sheath.
plaster cast a sturdy rigid covering consisting of gauze saturated in plaster of Paris which is wrapped, when still wet, around a fractured limb or other part to prevent movement during healing. [1/2 definitions]
play possum (informal) to pretend to be asleep or dead; keep very still.
plenary indulgence in the Roman Catholic Church, an indulgence that remits in full the temporal punishment still due to sin after absolution.
plumule the bud of the ascending axis of a plant that is still in embryo. [1/2 definitions]
pond a small natural or artificial body of still water.
pondweed any of a variety of flowering plants that grow submerged or floating in still bodies of water.
remain to be left as still to be seen, said, answered, or in some way acted upon. [1/3 definitions]
remaining being what is left or still present.
return an official form used to report one's income to the government and to calculate any tax that may still be due for the current tax period; tax return. [1/23 definitions]