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impossible not able to happen, exist, or be done. [1/3 definitions]
incipient starting to exist or become apparent; in an early stage of development.
indwell to dwell or exist within (a person, nature, or other entity) as a motivating force or principle. [1/2 definitions]
kick around (informal) to exist but not be used, exploited, or given much consideration. [1/3 definitions]
lie2 to be placed; exist (fol. by "on," "with," or "upon"). [1/8 definitions]
live1 to have life or to remain alive; exist in an active state. [1/10 definitions]
look around to see what things exist in a place, usually in a casual way and not in order to find anything in particular. [1/2 definitions]
lurk to exist without being perceived. [1/3 definitions]
mechanize to cause to act, do, or exist in an automatic or routine manner. [1/3 definitions]
nature the physical world and living things as they exist apart from the activity or intervention of human beings. [1/9 definitions]
neighbor to exist or live nearby. [1/7 definitions]
nonentity something that does not exist, or exists only in the imagination. [1/3 definitions]
objectivity the direction of one's interest and attention toward realities that exist outside the mind. [1/3 definitions]
ontological argument an a priori argument for the existence of God that asserts that existence is a perfection and that God is the most perfect being, and therefore that God must exist.
permanent existing or intended to exist indefinitely or perpetually; everlasting. [1/3 definitions]
possibility something that might exist or occur. [1/3 definitions]
precondition a condition or circumstance that must exist before a given event can occur. [1/2 definitions]
predate to occur or exist before. [1/2 definitions]
preexist to exist before. [2/3 definitions]
prevail to exist, or continue to exist, widely or generally. [1/5 definitions]
pullulate to exist in abundance; teem; swarm. [1/3 definitions]