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inhabit to live in; use as a dwelling. [1/2 definitions]
kinkajou a nocturnal, tree-dwelling animal of Central and South America that has a long, prehensile tail and brown fur.
lake dwelling a dwelling, esp. in prehistoric times, built on wooden piles in a shallow part of a lake or marsh.
lemur any of several small, tree-dwelling, nocturnal mammals that have large, round eyes, a foxlike face, and a long, furry tail, and that are native to Madagascar and nearby islands.
lodging a place to live in, esp. temporarily; dwelling. [1/2 definitions]
log cabin a small, simple, typically one-storied dwelling made from logs.
long house a long wooden dwelling shared by many families, esp. of the Iroquois or other North American Indian tribes.
lowly humble in nature, as a dwelling. [1/4 definitions]
millipede a land-dwelling arthropod that has a hard-shelled, wormlike body in many segments that each have two pairs of legs.
mud hut a simple dwelling made of mud.
nurse to keep alive or active by dwelling upon. [1/11 definitions]
Olympus Mount Olympus, a mountain in northern Greece, believed in ancient times to be the dwelling place of the gods.
orangutan a large, tree-dwelling ape of Borneo and Sumatra that has long arms and long, reddish brown hair.
palm crab a large land-dwelling crab of the South Pacific that feeds on coconuts.
penthouse an apartment or other dwelling situated on the top floor or roof of a usu. tall building. [1/3 definitions]
phalanger any of various small, herbivorous, tree-dwelling marsupials of Australia that have foxlike ears, dense woolly fur, and a long bushy tail.
pied-à-terre (French) an apartment or other dwelling kept permanently but used only occasionally as needed.
pocket mouse any of various small, nocturnal desert-dwelling North American rodents that have fur-lined cheek pouches.
polliwog a frog or toad larva in its water-dwelling stage, when it has a tail and gills; tadpole.
quail1 any of a number of ground-dwelling birds related to the chicken and often hunted for sport and food.
residence a house or any other place where one lives; dwelling. [1/3 definitions]