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inscription a short dedication or message, usu. with a signature, as on a book or picture given to someone. [1/3 definitions]
intercommunicate to send to one another; exchange (a message, memorandum, or the like). [1/3 definitions]
letter a written message, usu. sent through the mail. [1/6 definitions]
line1 a very short written message; letter. [1/21 definitions]
mean1 to signal a particular idea or message that can be understood; signify. [1/9 definitions]
memorandum an informal written message, as between two employees or departments in the same business or other organization. [1/4 definitions]
message to send a message to (someone), esp. in electronic form, for example, as a text via a cell phone. [2/7 definitions]
messenger a person who transports and delivers a message or package, or does this regularly as a job.
missive a message in writing; letter.
note a formal or official written message. [1/11 definitions]
phish to attempt to fraudulently obtain sensitive data, such as credit card details and security passwords, through apparently official electronic communication, such as an e-mail or text message.
phishing attempts to fraudulently obtain sensitive data, such as credit card details and security passwords, through apparently official electronic communication, such as an e-mail or text message.
placard to transmit a message about (something) by means of a placard or placards. [1/3 definitions]
post1 an electronic message that has been shared on a website. [2/6 definitions]
postcard a small card that can be mailed without an envelope, usu. having a picture on one side and space for a message, address, and stamp on the other.
postscript a note or message added at the end of a book or document, esp. at the end of a letter following the signature.
P.S. abbreviation of "postscript," a note or message added at the end of a book or document, esp. at the end of a letter following the signature.
radiogram a message transmitted using radio signals or wireless telegraph. [1/2 definitions]
revelation a message to humans from a divine being, in which the existence, nature, or will of that divine being is made known. [1/4 definitions]
roger used to acknowledge reception of a radio message. [1/2 definitions]
send to cause a messenger or message to be sent, as by electromagnetic means; transmit. [1/7 definitions]