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Dictionary Suite
in-service taking place or available while one is an employee.
letter carrier someone who delivers mail, usu. an employee of the postal service.
man Friday a male employee, aide, or assistant who faithfully attends to a variety of tasks.
minimum wage the lowest wage that an employer can pay an employee according to law or labor union agreement.
nonemployee combined form of employee.
pink slip (informal) a notice informing an employee of his or her dismissal from employment.
public servant a government official, elected or appointed, or an employee of the civil service.
redundant (chiefly British) of an employee, having lost one's job as a result of an employer's lack of need; laid-off. [1/3 definitions]
retainer1 a domestic servant or household employee. [1/2 definitions]
scab someone who works in place of a striking employee or refuses to join or support the actions of a labor union. [1/6 definitions]
service the collective acts of one who serves, such as a waiter, repair person, or government employee. [1/14 definitions]
shipping clerk an employee who attends to the shipping and receiving of goods and merchandise.
steward an employee on an airplane, train, or ship who waits on and attends to the needs of passengers. [1/5 definitions]
striker an employee who strikes or stops work. [1/3 definitions]
teller an employee in a bank who takes in and pays out money. [1/3 definitions]
timecard a card listing the record of an employee's work hours, either stamped by a time clock or recorded by the employee.
timekeeper an employee who keeps the records of hours worked by other employees. [1/3 definitions]
trackman a railroad employee who lays, inspects, or repairs railroad tracks. [1/2 definitions]
wage (often pl.) money paid regularly to an employee in exchange for labor or services. [1/3 definitions]
workload the amount of work required or expected, as of a particular employee, student, or the like.
yellow-dog contract an employment contract, now illegal, in which an employee agrees not to remain in or join a labor union.