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instanter in law, immediately; instantly.
instantly at once; without delay; immediately.
instant messaging a form of electronic communication over a computer network in which two people converse in a similar manner to speaking by exchanging text messages which appear immediately on each others' screens upon typing.
instant replay the reshowing of a short televised segment, as of a football play or gymnastic routine, often in slow motion, immediately after it has been initially recorded and broadcast.
Johnny-on-the-spot (informal) a person who is prepared to act whenever necessary, or who arrives immediately.
moment the immediately present time; this or that instant. [1/4 definitions]
momently at any moment; immediately. [1/3 definitions]
next coming immediately after; following. [3/5 definitions]
nonce1 the immediately present time or occasion (usu. prec. by "for the").
now directly; immediately. [1/11 definitions]
one-two in boxing, a sequence of two punches, such as a quick jab with the left fist followed immediately by a hard punch with the right.
on the double (informal) right away; immediately.
on the spot at once; immediately. [1/2 definitions]
open-and-shut (informal) not requiring much deliberation; not presenting ambiguity or difficulty; immediately obvious.
outright immediately or all at once. [1/5 definitions]
pianoforte soft and then immediately loud (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]
postpartum of, relating to, or occurring in the period immediately following the delivery of a child.
post time the time immediately before a race during which no more betting on the race is permitted. [1/2 definitions]
premenstrual of, relating to, or occurring during the time immediately preceding the onset of menstruation.
prompt done immediately, without delay. [1/7 definitions]
pronto (informal) quickly or immediately.