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invidious tending to arouse feelings of resentment or animosity, esp. because of a slight; offensive or discriminatory.
kindle1 to arouse, excite, or inspire (a strong feeling or interest). [1/5 definitions]
love potion a drink believed to arouse love or desire, usu. for a specific person; philter; aphrodisiac.
misgive to arouse doubt, fear, or suspicion in. [1/2 definitions]
pep rally a gathering, usu. before a school athletic event, to arouse enthusiasm.
provoke to arouse or bring out. [1/3 definitions]
raise to arouse. [1/15 definitions]
rearouse combined form of arouse.
rev to arouse or excite for anticipated action (usu. fol. by "up"). [1/5 definitions]
rouse to waken from sleep, apathy, depression, or the like; arouse. [1/5 definitions]
sensationalism language or subject matter intended to arouse amazement, curiosity, or morbid fascination. [1/2 definitions]
sob story a tale of personal problems meant to arouse pity in others. [1/2 definitions]
spark (informal) to set in motion; arouse, animate, or stimulate. [1/8 definitions]
stir1 to arouse; excite. [1/10 definitions]
tease to arouse curiosity or desire in without satisfying; tantalize. [1/9 definitions]
warm to arouse pleasant or kindly emotions in. [1/14 definitions]