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kabuki a form of Japanese popular drama using male actors for both male and female roles, and with highly stylized acting, music, and dancing.
little theater a small theater, producing experimental and usu. amateur drama. [2 definitions]
melodrama a drama, or type of drama, characterized by exaggeration in the writing, production, and acting, and including much suspense and sentimentality. [1/2 definitions]
miracle play a type of medieval religious drama that depicted the lives of saints or Biblical stories.
mixed media the use of more than one medium, such as slides, music, dance, or drama, in presenting something for instruction, entertainment, or the like; multimedia. [1/2 definitions]
monologue in drama, a speech performed by an actor alone or as if alone on the stage; soliloquy. [1/2 definitions]
morality play an allegorical drama with characters that personify certain vices and virtues, intended for the moral and theological instruction of the audience.
Obie any of several drama awards given annually in the United States.
off Broadway professional drama produced in New York City in small theaters located outside the Broadway theater district and characterized by experimental productions. [1/2 definitions]
off-Broadway being or pertaining to professional drama produced in New York City in small theaters located outside the Broadway theater district and characterized by experimental productions.
performing arts arts such as drama, dance, and music that are performed before an audience.
play a composition written for the stage; drama. [2/22 definitions]
player an actor in a drama. [1/3 definitions]
playlet a short play or drama; skit.
reading an interpretation, through performance, of a piece of music or a character in a drama. [1/8 definitions]
schmaltz (informal) extremely sentimental music, drama, or writing.
show a movie, drama, or other public presentation of entertainment or art. [1/16 definitions]
soap opera a melodramatic serialized drama, usu. broadcast on daytime television or radio.
stichomythia in ancient Greek drama, a dialogue between two characters usu. speaking alternating lines of verse.
strophe the movement from right to left of the chorus in classical Greek drama, or the part of the choral ode sung during this movement. (Cf. antistrophe.) [1/2 definitions]
Thespian (often l.c.) of or pertaining to the drama or acting; dramatic. [1/2 definitions]