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Kali a Hindu goddess of life and death.
Luna in Roman mythology, the goddess of the moon; Selene.
Minerva in Roman mythology, the goddess of wisdom, art, and invention; Athena.
Mnemosyne in Greek mythology, the goddess personifying memory, and mother of the Muses.
nemesis (cap.) in Greek mythology, the goddess of divine retribution or vengeance. [1/3 definitions]
Nike in Greek mythology, the goddess of victory; Victoria.
Pax in Roman mythology, the goddess of peace; Irene.
sea-maid a mermaid, nymph, or goddess of the sea; sea-maiden.
Selene in Greek mythology, the goddess of the moon; Luna.
Venus in Roman mythology, the goddess of love and beauty; Aphrodite. [1/2 definitions]
Vesta in Roman mythology, the goddess of the hearth; Hestia.
vestal of, pertaining to, or sacred to the Roman goddess Vesta. [1/4 definitions]