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Dictionary Suite
kernel a grain of wheat, corn, or the like. [1/4 definitions]
leghorn a fine braided straw made from an Italian wheat. [1/3 definitions]
pinole a flour made of ground wheat or corn that is sweetened with the meal of mesquite beans.
ramen thin, round Japanese noodles made from wheat. [2 definitions]
seitan a food product made of wheat gluten and added flavoring, often used as a meat substitute.
semolina coarse wheat that is a byproduct in the manufacture of fine flour, used to make pasta, puddings, and the like.
soft wheat a wheat that has a high starch content and yields a flour used in pastries, cereals, and the like. (Cf. hard wheat.)
spelt2 a hardy wheat grown in Europe and western Asia and used esp. for livestock feed.
spike2 an ear of grain such as wheat. [1/2 definitions]
stand a growth of trees or upright plants such as corn or wheat. [1/25 definitions]
thresh to separate the grain from the chaff of (a cereal such as wheat). [1/3 definitions]
triticale a high-protein grain formed by crossing wheat and rye.
udon thick Japanese noodles made from wheat flour, salt, and water.
vodka a colorless alcoholic spirit, which was originally made in Russia, distilled from wheat, rye, potatoes, or the like.
wheat cake a pancake made from wheat flour.
wheaten of, pertaining to, or made of wheat or wheat flour. [2 definitions]
wheat germ the nutritious, vitamin-rich embryo of the wheat kernel, separated before milling and used as a food supplement.
white bread a light-colored bread made from finely ground, usu. bleached, wheat flour.
whole grain unrefined wheat, corn, or other grain, from which the bran, or husk, and germ have not been removed, and which therefore contains more of the fiber and nutrients considered healthful than does refined grain. [1/2 definitions]
whole-wheat made with the whole grain of wheat, including the husk, or with flour made of the whole grain.