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kraal in South Africa, a native village enclosed by a fence or stockade. [1/3 definitions]
Lesotho a country in southeastern Africa that is surrounded by South Africa.
mealie in South Africa, corn or maize, or an ear of such.
meerkat a small mammal with gray and tan fur, related to the mongoose and native to South Africa.
Mozambique a Southeast African coastal country between South Africa and Tanzania.
Namibia an African country on the Atlantic coast between South Africa and Angola; formerly South-West Africa.
Nelson Mandela South African statesman, anti-apartheid activist, and Nobel Peace Prize winner, who was held as a political prisoner for 27 years and became the first democratically elected and first black President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999 (b. 1918).
Pretoria the administrative capital of South Africa. (Cf. Bloemfontein, Cape Town.)
rand2 the chief monetary unit of South Africa, equaling one hundred cents.
rhebok a rare, brownish gray antelope that lives on the rocky hillsides of South Africa.
sjambok a South African whip made of rhinoceros or hippopotamus hide. [1/2 definitions]
South Africa a country in the southernmost part of Africa on the Atlantic and Indian Oceans; Union of South Africa.
South African of or pertaining to South Africa or its people, culture, or the like. [2 definitions]
South African Dutch the descendants of the Dutch colonists in South Africa; Boers. [1/2 definitions]
Swaziland a country in southeastern Africa between South Africa and Mozambique, now officially Eswatini.
Union of South Africa see "South Africa."
Walter Sisulu South African former Deputy President of the African National Congress and anti-apartheid activist; born Walter Max Ulyate Sisulu (b.1912--d.2003).
Xhosa a member of one of the Bantu peoples living mainly in Cape Province, South Africa. [1/2 definitions]