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lacustrine relating to, associated with, living in, or formed by a lake.
lagoon a similar freshwater body, esp. one connected to a larger lake or river. [1/3 definitions]
Lake Baikal a freshwater lake, the deepest and most voluminous in the world, located in the Asian part of Russia.
lake dwelling a dwelling, esp. in prehistoric times, built on wooden piles in a shallow part of a lake or marsh.
Lake Huron one of the Great Lakes that lies between the United States and Canada. Lake Huron is located to the northeast of the U.S. state of Michigan and contains the large Canadian island of Manitoulin.
Lake Michigan a large lake that is one of the Great Lakes of North America and borders the U.S. states of Illnois, Wisconsin, and Michigan. Lake Michigan reaches the furthest south of the Great Lakes and borders the city of Chicago at its southern end.
laker a lake trout. [1/2 definitions]
Lake Superior a large lake that lies between the United States and Canada. Lake Superior is the westernmost and largest of the five Great Lakes.
Lake Titicaca a large, deep lake in South America located in the Andes mountains between the countries of Bolivia and Peru.
Lake Victoria a large freshwater lake, the largest in Africa, located partly in Kenya and partly in Tanzania and Uganda.
littoral of or relating to a shore, as of a lake, sea, or ocean. [1/2 definitions]
loch in Scotland, a lake, or an arm of the sea that is largely surrounded by land.
Loch Ness monster an unidentified creature or family of plesiosaur-like creatures said to live in Loch Ness, a lake near the city of Inverness in northern Scotland.
low water the lowest level reached by a body of water, such as a lake or river in the dry season. [1/2 definitions]
Mackenzie River a river in Canada flowing from Great Slave Lake west and north toward the Arctic Ocean.
Michigan Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes, which lies between this state and Wisconsin. [1/2 definitions]
Ojibwa a member of a North American Indian tribe living in the United States and Canada around Lake Superior. [1/3 definitions]
Onondaga a member of a tribe of North American Indians inhabiting the area around Onondaga Lake in New York State and belonging to the Six Nations. [1/2 definitions]
Ontario Lake Ontario, the smallest of the Great Lakes, between the state of New York and the province of Ontario. [1/2 definitions]
ooze2 a mud that forms part of ocean and lake bottoms and is made up of the shells of tiny animals. [1/2 definitions]
outflow a stream that empties from a lake. [1/2 definitions]