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Lapsang of or designating a variety of Chinese tea with a smoky flavor.
lemon made with lemon or having qualities of lemon such as color, flavor, or fragrance. [1/5 definitions]
licorice a European plant of the legume family, having a strong, sweet odor and flavor similar to anise. [1/3 definitions]
Limburger a soft, white cheese having a strong odor and flavor.
mild not harsh in flavor. [1/3 definitions]
monosodium glutamate a white crystalline powder that intensifies the flavor of foods, esp. meat, often used in Chinese cuisine.
MSG abbreviation of "monosodium glutamate," a white crystalline powder that intensifies the flavor of foods, esp. meat, often used in Chinese cuisine.
nippy sharp or biting in flavor. [1/2 definitions]
nutty having a nutlike flavor. [1/3 definitions]
pickle a solution of salt, vinegar, and seasonings, used to flavor and preserve food. [1/4 definitions]
red-hot a small, hard, red candy with a strong cinnamon flavor. [1/5 definitions]
relish a spicy condiment used to add flavor to food, esp. a mixture of minced, pickled vegetables. [3/6 definitions]
saffron a spice made from the yellow stigmas of this plant, used to flavor and color foods. [1/3 definitions]
salty containing salt as a flavor. [1/2 definitions]
sapid having taste or flavor, esp. an agreeable taste. [1/2 definitions]
sapor the quality in a substance that is perceptible to the sense of taste; flavor; savor.
sauce a liquid dressing or relish that is served with food to add flavor. [2/5 definitions]
savor to imbue with a taste or smell; season or flavor. [1/6 definitions]
scurvy grass an arctic plant bearing white flowers and having a bitter flavor, formerly used to treat scurvy.
season to enhance the flavor of (food) by adding salt, herbs, spices, or other flavorings. [1/8 definitions]
seasoned enhanced in flavor by the addition of salt, herbs, spices, or other flavorings. [1/3 definitions]