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let go to take away the job of; fire. [1/3 definitions]
longshoreman a man whose job is to load and unload ships; dock worker.
lookout someone whose job is to keep watch. [1/4 definitions]
mail carrier one whose job is to deliver mail.
mailman a man whose job is to deliver mail; postman.
messenger a person who transports and delivers a message or package, or does this regularly as a job.
meter maid a woman, usu. a police officer, whose job is to write tickets for parking violations.
misfit a person who is not integrated into or is unsuited for his or her social environment, job, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
mobility the ease with which people in a society can move from one social class, job, or place to another. [1/2 definitions]
moonlight (informal) to work at a job additional to one's full-time job. [1/4 definitions]
moonlighting working at a second job, often at night, in addition to one's regular, full-time job.
notice a formal indication of intention to end an arrangement or job. [1/7 definitions]
off away from a job or post. [1/37 definitions]
open available, as a job or position. [1/27 definitions]
opening an available job or position. [1/6 definitions]
overage1 too old to be useful, as in a particular job. [1/2 definitions]
paraphernalia (used with a sing. or pl. verb) furnishings or equipment, esp. that used in a particular job or activity. [1/2 definitions]
pitch in to start a project or job energetically. [1/2 definitions]
place a role, duty, or job. [2/21 definitions]
position appointed job. [1/9 definitions]
predecessor one who holds a position, job, or the like prior to another. [1/3 definitions]