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literary of or relating to literature or those who create or read literature. [1/2 definitions]
literate able to read and write. [2/6 definitions]
litotes in rhetoric, an understatement, esp. one expressed by a negation of an affirmative, as in "not the worst book I ever read".
lucubrate to read, study, or write diligently, esp. until late at night. [1/2 definitions]
microprint the printed or positive reproduction of a microphotograph to be viewed or read by means of a magnifying device, such as a projector.
misread to read or interpret wrongly.
monolingual able to speak, read, or understand only one language. [1/2 definitions]
newsgroup a discussion group on a computer network such as the Internet where people post and read messages on specific topics.
newsroom a room in a library, club, or the like where newspapers and other periodicals can be read. [1/3 definitions]
PDF abbreviation of "portable document format," a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.
peruse to read or examine attentively and in detail.
phrase to read or say with deliberate or appropriate pauses or other vocal effects, such as stress or accent. [1/11 definitions]
pore1 to study or read with care and attention (usu. fol. by "over"). [1/3 definitions]
portable document format a file format (invented by Adobe Systems, Inc.) that represents documents created in a variety of word processing and desktop publishing programs as they were intended to appear, independently of the platform or hardware with which they are created or read.
read1 to infer from what is read or heard (usu. fol. by "into"). [1/16 definitions]
readable enjoyable or interesting to read. [2 definitions]
reader a teaching assistant at a university or college who is hired to read examination papers. [1/5 definitions]
reading relating to those who read. [1/8 definitions]
reread to read (something) again. [2 definitions]
review a looking back over things done, read, or studied previously. [1/11 definitions]
ROM abbreviation of "read-only memory."