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lively with quickness or vigor. [1/6 definitions]
low-pressure lacking or not requiring persistence, energy, or vigor. [1/3 definitions]
namby-pamby one that lacks vigor or decisiveness. [1/3 definitions]
old age the final stage of life, considered in humans to begin at about age sixty-five, characterized by a decline in health and vigor.
pep (informal) lively energy or spirit; vigor. [2/3 definitions]
rally1 to recover rapidly from or as if from weakness, illness, or loss; regain vigor or value. [1/12 definitions]
rejuvenate to restore the vigor, health, or appearance of youth to.
renascent being renewed or reborn; having new life or vigor.
revitalize to give fresh life, vigor, or vitality to.
revival a return to life, vigor, or vitality. [1/4 definitions]
revive to infuse with new health, vigor, or vitality. [2/9 definitions]
rough-and-ready showing or characterized by rough vigor and quick response rather than refinement, formality, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
roundly with great vigor or forthrightness; thoroughly. [1/2 definitions]
sally to set out or depart, esp. with energy or vigor. [1/7 definitions]
shrivel to lessen in vigor, strength, ability, or the like. [1/2 definitions]
sinew (often pl.) the source or foundation of strength and vigor. [1/3 definitions]
spirited full of vigor, courage, or enthusiasm.
successful developing or operating well and with vigor. [1/4 definitions]
tonic something that refreshes or restores one's strength or vigor. [1/6 definitions]
vigorous characterized by vigor. [1/2 definitions]
vital full of life, vigor, or energy. [1/5 definitions]