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load factor the amount or weight of the maximum load a vehicle, airplane, or vessel can carry. [2 definitions]
max. abbreviation of "maximum," the largest possible amount or degree. (Cf. minimum.)
maxima a plural form of maximum.
maximal of, pertaining to, or being a maximum.
peak at or near a maximum level. [1/7 definitions]
pellucid allowing maximum light to pass through; transparent. [1/2 definitions]
per- in chemistry, maximum or excess. [1/3 definitions]
relative humidity the amount of moisture present in the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold at the same temperature.
strain1 to exert or extend to the maximum. [3/16 definitions]
stretch to strain to the maximum extent. [1/19 definitions]
thermal barrier the maximum flight speed of a given supersonic aircraft in the atmosphere that is set by aerodynamic heating effects.
ultimate greatest; maximum. [1/9 definitions]
up to to the maximum amount, extent, or degree of. [1/7 definitions]
visibility the maximum distance from which something can be seen under certain conditions of atmosphere and weather. [1/2 definitions]