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make a difference to make a significant and beneficial impact on the lives of other people or living things. [1/2 definitions]
make a mountain out of a molehill to imagine something to be much more significant or more of a problem than it really is.
materially to a significant extent; considerably. [1/2 definitions]
measurable significant or important. [1/2 definitions]
mentor a guide and counselor, esp. one who plays a significant role in a person's intellectual, professional, or personal development. [1/2 definitions]
mystical spiritually powerful, significant, or symbolic. [1/3 definitions]
Peloponnese a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnesus.
Peloponnesus a large and historically significant peninsula in southern Greece; Peloponnese.
play down to talk or act as if (something) is not as serious, great, or significant as it is.
prelim (informal) a short academic test that comes before, and often prepares one for, a longer, more significant test; preliminary examination. [1/2 definitions]
purposeful having meaning or significant purpose. [1/3 definitions]
red-letter significant, as a happy occasion; memorable.
result (often plural) the final or significant piece or pieces of information gained from an investigation, examination, or calculation. [1/6 definitions]
rite of passage a significant event in an individual's life that marks some turning point. [1/2 definitions]
screen memory in psychoanalysis, a recollection of early childhood that seems significant but actually masks a more profound related memory that remains repressed.
sea power a country that has significant naval strength. [1/2 definitions]
sovereign most important or significant; supreme; paramount. [1/5 definitions]
spark a small but significant amount, as of a quality, talent, or attitude. [1/8 definitions]
Stations of the Cross (sometimes l.c.) a sequence of fourteen representations marking significant incidents in the Passion of Jesus Christ, often set upon the walls of a church, esp. Roman Catholic. [1/2 definitions]
substantial fundamental; significant. [1/8 definitions]
substantially to a large or significant degree; considerably. [1/2 definitions]