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mandate to authorize or require, as by law or popular vote. [1/6 definitions]
need to require out of necessity or earnestly want. [1/10 definitions]
overcharge to require an excessively high price from. [2/4 definitions]
prerequire combined form of require.
presuppose to require or imply as a necessary prior condition. [1/2 definitions]
quorum the number of members that an organization's rules require to attend a meeting in order for voting or other business to take place.
segregate to require or enforce the separation or isolation of (a race, religious sect, class, or the like) from the dominant group in a society or from the society at large. [1/6 definitions]
self-hardening of or relating to substances, such as some glues, that require no special treatment or processing to harden.
sexual of or pertaining to processes of reproduction that require both a male and a female of a species. [1/3 definitions]
shirt-sleeve warm enough not to require a coat or jacket, as weather. [1/3 definitions]
sinecure a position for a church minister that includes a salary but does not require pastoral duties. [1/2 definitions]
strip-search to require (a person such as a prisoner or suspect) to remove all clothing and be searched. [1/2 definitions]
summer sausage a kind of dried or smoked sausage that does not require refrigeration to prevent spoilage.
take to require or use up. [1/36 definitions]
take time to require a substantial amount of time to do something or for something to happen. [2 definitions]
want (chiefly British) to require; need. [1/14 definitions]
ward in a hospital, a large room holding several patients, or a section for patients of a similar type, such as children or patients that require intensive care. [1/5 definitions]
will2 to decree; order; require. [1/14 definitions]