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maniac (outdated; no longer in scientific use) one who suffers from mania, or from insanity generally. [1/4 definitions]
margin a limit beyond which something is no longer desirable or beyond which something no longer exists. [1/9 definitions]
mongolism (outdated; no longer in scientific use; sometimes cap.) the abnormal condition of a person born with an additional chromosome, characterized by a flattened skull, slanted eyes, often decreased mental facility, and partial deafness; Down's syndrome.
Mongoloid (outdated; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of members of a human racial group originating in eastern Asia and parts of North America, generally characterized by an epicanthic fold in the eyelid, dark eyes, and straight, dark hair. [2/3 definitions]
moot in law, pertaining to a matter that is no longer at issue because of a previous legal decision or a change in the circumstances. [1/6 definitions]
moron (outdated; no longer in scientific use) a person who has far below normal intelligence and is judged to be unable to develop beyond a mental age of eight to twelve years. [1/2 definitions]
Negroid (outdated; considered offensive; no longer in scientific use) of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a member of a human racial group originating in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly characterized by having dark skin. [2 definitions]
obs. abbreviation of "obsolete," no longer in use, as a word or expression, or a type of implement or equipment. [2 definitions]
obsolete no longer in use, as a word or expression, or as a type of implement or equipment. [2 definitions]
off no longer connected to or with. [1/37 definitions]
off the wagon (informal) no longer refraining from drinking alcohol.
old age pension (chiefly British) money that an elderly person receives from the government when he or she is no longer able to work. (Cf. social security.)
out no longer in possession; depleted (usu. fol. by "of"); lacking. [1/29 definitions]
outmoded no longer in fashion; unfashionable. [2 definitions]
out of used to describe a change marked by loss, or a situation of no longer having. [1/9 definitions]
out of print no longer offered by the publisher.
out of shape no longer having the correct shape, or, of the body, no longer physically fit.
out of sight visible no longer. [1/2 definitions]
out of the running no longer participating in a contest, trial, or election. [1/2 definitions]
out of the woods no longer in danger or at risk.
over no longer feeling the effects of; recovered from. [1/29 definitions]