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map a representation of a geographic or celestial region, usu. drawn or printed to scale on a flat surface. [1/3 definitions]
meridian a similar circle that passes through the poles of the celestial sphere. [2/7 definitions]
North Pole the point on the celestial sphere that is intersected by a northward extension of the earth's axis. [1/4 definitions]
occult to conceal by passing in front of, as one celestial body may conceal another. [1/8 definitions]
occultation the disappearance of one celestial body behind another, as when a planet or star is obscured by the moon. [1/2 definitions]
octant the position of one celestial body forty-five degrees away from another. [1/4 definitions]
outer space space beyond the defined boundaries of a celestial body, esp. the earth.
planet a large, nonluminous celestial body, esp. one of the nine in the solar system, that revolves around a star and often has one or more satellites. [2 definitions]
planisphere a projection on a plane of the celestial sphere, with a movable overlay showing which stars are visible at a particular place and time. [1/2 definitions]
Polaris a variable binary star near the north celestial pole in the constellation Ursa Minor, having a magnitude of 2.1; North Star.
polestar a bright star near the north celestial pole; Polaris; North Star. [1/2 definitions]
quadrant an apparatus formerly used to measure the altitude of celestial objects, esp. for navigation. [1/5 definitions]
right ascension the angular distance of the arc of one of the hour circles of a celestial body, measured eastward along the equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle, and expressed in degrees or hours; the celestial equivalent of longitude.
sextile the position or aspect of two celestial bodies that are sixty degrees apart.
solstice either of the two times in the year when the sun is furthest from the celestial equator, occurring in June and December.
South Pole the point on the celestial sphere that is intersected by a southward extension of the earth's axis. [1/4 definitions]
sphere of influence in astronomy, the region around a celestial body within which the primary gravitational force on an orbiting object is that body. [1/3 definitions]
star any of a vast number of celestial bodies that emit tremendous heat and light, and which can be visible from earth as points of light in the night sky. [1/11 definitions]
supernal of or pertaining to heaven or the sky; celestial. [1/2 definitions]
syzygy in astronomy, the alignment, either in conjunction or opposition, of three celestial bodies within the same gravitational system, esp. the sun, moon, and earth. [1/3 definitions]
transit the passage of a celestial body across the face of another or across the meridian or the telescopic field of an observer. [2/7 definitions]