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match play a type of golf competition in which each side scores a point for each hole won, regardless of the total number of strokes. (Cf. medal play.)
no-fault of or pertaining to a system of automobile insurance in which a company pays all or part of its policyholder's losses regardless of who was at fault for a particular accident. [1/2 definitions]
no matter regardless of; irrespective of (used in combination with "how," "what," "where," and other question words). [1/2 definitions]
no matter what regardless of the cost or of what might happen.
open admissions the policy of admitting any student who desires to attend a university, regardless of proficiency.
party politics political practices intended to further the aims and interests of a political party, regardless of their effects on the public in general.
personal responsibility the principle that one is responsible for one's own behavior, regardless of the behavior of others.
sacrifice to allow to be sold or destroyed regardless of losses that might be incurred. [1/11 definitions]
thermoregulation the maintenance by a living body of a constant internal body temperature regardless of outside environmental temperature.
timbre the characteristic tonal quality of any sound, esp. a musical instrument, voice, or speech sound, regardless of its pitch or volume.
trigger-happy (informal) ready to use force, esp. by firing a gun, at the slightest provocation, regardless of consequences. [1/2 definitions]
Voting Rights Act law enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1965 designed to protect the right to vote for all citizens regardless of race or color.
willy-nilly happening or done regardless of one's wishes. [1/2 definitions]