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medicine dance a ritual dance performed by some North American Indian peoples to drive out disease, bring rain, invoke supernatural aid, or the like.
medicine man a healer, shaman, and spiritual leader, esp. among North American Indians.
Micmac a member of an American Indian people of Canada's Maritime Provinces. [1/2 definitions]
moccasin a soft leather shoe or slipper without a hard sole or a heel, made originally by American Indians. [1/3 definitions]
Mohave a member of a North American Indian tribe formerly living in the Colorado River valley of Arizona and California. [1/2 definitions]
Mohegan a member of a North American Indian tribe formerly living in the Thames River area of Connecticut.
nation the members of a federation or tribe, esp. North American Indians. [1/3 definitions]
Native American a member of any of the peoples who have lived in North, Central, or South America since the time before the Europeans arrived; American Indian. [1/2 definitions]
Navajo a member of a tribe of North American Indians occupying parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. [1/3 definitions]
Nez Percé a member of a tribe of North American Indians who formerly inhabited the northwestern part of the United States. [1/2 definitions]
Ojibwa a member of a North American Indian tribe living in the United States and Canada around Lake Superior. [1/3 definitions]
Oneida a member of a tribe of North American Indians living in Canada and New York State and belonging to the Six Nations. [1/2 definitions]
Onondaga a member of a tribe of North American Indians inhabiting the area around Onondaga Lake in New York State and belonging to the Six Nations. [1/2 definitions]
Paiute any member of a North American Indian people of the Uto-Aztecan group living in the southwestern United States. [1/2 definitions]
paleface (slang) a white person, as distinguished from an American Indian.
papoose a North American Indian baby or young child.
peace pipe a ceremonial pipe for all to smoke during an American Indian peace conference; calumet.
pemmican a North American Indian dried food made of pounded shreds of meat, melted fat, and often berries, formed into a cake.
Pequot a member of a former North American Indian people that lived in southern New England until conquered in 1637. [1/2 definitions]
Pima a member of a North American Indian people living in Arizona and northern Mexico. [1/2 definitions]
Plains Indian a member of any of the buffalo-hunting, seminomadic North American Indian peoples that formerly inhabited the Great Plains.