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methodize to reduce to a systematic and orderly way or arrangement. [1/2 definitions]
motivational research in advertising and marketing, the systematic assessment of consumer attitudes toward products and services.
mythology the systematic search for and study of myths. [1/2 definitions]
neat orderly and economical in procedure; systematic and simple. [1/6 definitions]
nonsystematic combined form of systematic.
observe to watch closely or make a systematic observation of. [1/10 definitions]
operations research the systematic mathematical or scientific analysis of an operation, policy, or process to improve its effectiveness or efficiency.
order a state of rational, systematic, or intelligible arrangement or organization. [1/17 definitions]
organize to set in order; arrange in a systematic pattern. [1/6 definitions]
organized set in order; arranged in a systematic pattern. [1/3 definitions]
pogrom a systematic persecution or slaughter of an ethnic or religious group, esp. of Jews.
poll an instance of systematic questioning meant to gather information or sample public opinion. [1/10 definitions]
process a systematic sequence of actions used to produce something or achieve an end. [2/9 definitions]
program an organized, systematic plan for solving a problem. [1/11 definitions]
range to arrange in a systematic way; order or classify. [1/20 definitions]
regiment to organize in a uniform and systematic manner. [1/4 definitions]
research systematic investigation and study to obtain and analyze information, as about a theory, event, intellectual discipline, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
researcher a person who engages in systematic scholarly investigation in order to gain knowledge or understanding or to solve a particular problem.
science systematic observation and testing of natural phenomena in a search for general laws and conclusive evidence. [1/3 definitions]
scientific requiring or demonstrating systematic knowledge and skills, exactness in observation and testing, and keen but dispassionate interest in the truths of nature. [1/2 definitions]
syntax any systematic arrangement; order. [1/5 definitions]