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Dictionary Suite
milepost a signpost that indicates the distance in miles to a specified place, or any of a series of posts set at one-mile intervals, as along a highway.
motorway (chiefly British) a major public road on which one can drive at high speeds, esp. between cities; highway.
multilane having more than one lane of traffic going in each direction, as a highway.
off-ramp a lane used for exiting a highway. [1/2 definitions]
parkway a divided road or highway, often with landscaped areas at the sides or on the center strip. [1/2 definitions]
pkwy. abbreviation of "parkway," a divided road or highway, often with landscaped areas at the sides or on the center strip. [1/2 definitions]
ramp a roadway which allows vehicles to enter or exit a highway. [1/7 definitions]
road agent a highway robber of stagecoaches, as in the nineteenth-century western United States.
route a specific highway. [1/4 definitions]
season ticket a ticket or set of tickets, paid for in advance, that can be used at any time during a specific period, as for highway tolls, museum visits, concerts, or athletic events.
skyway an elevated highway. [1/3 definitions]
streetlight a light that is mounted on a tall pole and used to illuminate a road or highway.
thruway a limited access highway or toll road, usu. crossing an entire state or similar long distance.
toll2 a charge or tax, usu. for passage across a bridge or along a highway or other road. [1/3 definitions]
tollgate a gate or gatelike structure where a toll is collected, as on a highway.
truck stop a business along a highway usu. consisting of a restaurant and gas station, and having truck drivers as its main customers.
turn off to exit a highway or the like. [1/3 definitions]
turnout a widening in a highway that allows cars to pass, or a similar place along a railway line. [1/4 definitions]
turnpike a thruway or highway whose use requires the payment of a toll.