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mill1 an establishment or process that takes a routine, mechanical approach to matters that should be treated more significantly. [1/9 definitions]
nudge to approach or near. [1/4 definitions]
oncoming the approach or onset of something. [1/2 definitions]
pass to approach someone or something, then move beyond. [1/33 definitions]
pedant one who insists on an overly formal or detailed approach to scholarship. [1/2 definitions]
pitch1 a particular wording or approach, designed to be attention-grabbing and persuasive, used in the promotion of a product for sale. [1/23 definitions]
posture a general attitude or approach. [1/6 definitions]
pragmatism a practical approach to problems and issues. [1/2 definitions]
pragmatist one who takes a practical approach to problems and issues. [1/3 definitions]
preface a first or introductory approach or attempt. [1/5 definitions]
pylon a tall, massive structure that serves to delineate an approach, as to a bridge or, esp., to an ancient Egyptian temple. [1/3 definitions]
sap2 to approach (an enemy fortification) by means of a sap or a system of saps. [1/4 definitions]
science-based pertaining to a process or approach that is developed using the scientific method.
sneak up on to approach (someone) quietly and without letting that person become aware of one's presence, typically in order to surprise or attack.
solicit to approach or entice someone to use a prostitute's services. [1/6 definitions]
sound barrier a hypothetical barrier to aircraft as they approach the speed of sound, suggested by the abrupt increase in aerodynamic drag near that velocity; sonic barrier.
tack an approach, as to a problem, esp. if different from previous approaches. [2/12 definitions]
thorny difficult or painful to approach, deal with, or the like. [1/3 definitions]
verge to approach or be on the limit or border of (often fol. by "on"). [1/6 definitions]
wrinkle2 (informal) an approach, method, development, device, or the like (usu. prec. by "new").