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moisture a small amount of diffused or condensed liquid, esp. water, felt as vapor in the air or as dampness on surfaces.
mute felt, but not expressed vocally. [1/9 definitions]
mutual felt, experienced, or possessed equally by each for the other or others, as among two or more persons. [1/4 definitions]
not to mention and in addition (used to mention an additional thing that is equal to, greater, or more obvious than the first thing mentioned, despite saying that one need not mention it. This additional thing may have just been remembered by the speaker or was previously felt unnecessary to say).
objection the act of expressing disapproval or opposition, or the disapproval or opposition that is felt. [1/3 definitions]
own one's property, inheritance, destiny, or what is felt to be one's due or potential. [1/6 definitions]
palpable able to be touched, felt, or handled. [1/2 definitions]
presence a supernatural influence felt to be near. [1/5 definitions]
pulse1 the periodic throbbing of arteries that results from the beating of the heart, esp. as felt in the wrist or neck. [1/5 definitions]
referred pain pain felt in a different part of the body from that in which it originates.
rubber1 (chiefly British) an object, usu. made of rubber or felt, that is used to erase writing or marks; eraser. [1/9 definitions]
shooting felt as traveling painfully through or piercing part of the body. [1/2 definitions]
sombrero a wide-brimmed straw or felt hat with a high crown, worn esp. in Mexico.
soul the essence of cultural pride felt by Black Americans. [1/8 definitions]
Stetson trademark for several styles of hat usu. made of felt and esp. in the western style of a high crown and wide brim.
sympathy kind understanding and concern felt for others because they are having difficulty, suffering, or are experiencing sadness, grief, anger, or the like. [1/6 definitions]
tarboosh a tasseled, fezlike cap of cloth or felt worn by Muslim men either alone or beneath a turban.
ten-gallon hat a cowboy hat with a very wide brim and tall crown, usu. made of felt.
tennis ball a small round ball covered with a felt-like material used in the game of tennis.
to say nothing of not to mention (used to add to what has just been said an element that the speaker may have forgotten to say earlier or felt was unnecessary to say. This element may be more significant or more obvious than what was said earlier).
true sincerely expressed or felt. [1/13 definitions]