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MP3 abbreviation of "Moving Pictures Expert Group, Audio Layer 3," an audio file format that compresses sound data, esp. music, for easy transfer over the internet, while providing high-quality playback sound. [1/3 definitions]
negotiate to sell or transfer title to (securities). [1/5 definitions]
pass in some sports, to throw, hit, or otherwise transfer (a ball, puck, or the like) to another player. [2/33 definitions]
passive immunity immunity to a disease acquired by injection of antibodies, transfer of antibodies from a mother to a fetus, or other transferences.
pipette a long, narrow, often graduated glass or plastic tube into which small quantities of liquid can be drawn by suction for measurement or transfer. [1/2 definitions]
pollinate to transfer pollen to; fertilize the seeds of with pollen.
print to transfer (a photograph) to paper by means of light transmitted through a negative image. [1/13 definitions]
quitclaim the transfer of one's interest, right, or title, as to a piece of property, without a guarantee that the title is good or that there are no debts attached to the property. [1/2 definitions]
remand to transfer or send back. [2/6 definitions]
remit in law, the transfer of a case or action to a usu. lower jurisdiction. [1/8 definitions]
reship to change or transfer to another ship. [1/4 definitions]
retransfer combined form of transfer.
rocker arm a pivoted lever or arm attached to a moving or stationary shaft, used to transfer a rocking or pushing motion, as in an automotive engine.
rubber stamp a hand-held device with a flat rubber surface into which lettering or a design has been pressed, used by inking the rubber surface and pressing it on a piece of paper or the like to transfer the lettering or design. [1/2 definitions]
save1 in computing, to copy and transfer (data) from a temporary working area of a computer to the computer's hard drive. [1/10 definitions]
self-pollination the pollination of a flower through the transfer of pollen from an anther to a stigma of the same plant. (Cf. cross-pollination.)
sell to transfer something to someone for money. [1/9 definitions]
spoon to scoop up or transfer by using a spoon. [1/4 definitions]
transferable combined form of transfer.
transferal a transfer.
transferee one to whom a legal transfer, of a title or property, is made. [1/2 definitions]