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multimedia (used with a sing. verb) the combined use of several performance media at the same time. [3 definitions]
news (used with a sing. verb) a report of recent events considered noteworthy, as transmitted through the media. [2/3 definitions]
news release a specially prepared written item given to news media by a government or organization; handout or press release.
otitis inflammation of the ear, esp. of the middle ear; otitis media.
paparazzo a reporter or photographer, often free-lance, who aggressively seeks out celebrities in order to photograph them or write sensational articles about them for the popular media.
performance art an art form involving recitation, music, dance, film, and other media presented sometimes simultaneously and sometimes sequentially, usu. on a stage.
pop art a form of modern art that uses subjects from everyday life and the mass media, and adapts techniques of commercial art such as comic strips.
press agent one whose business is to promote a person or organization by arranging advertising and publicity in the news media.
press gallery a section in a chamber, esp. of a legislature, reserved for members of the news media.
press kit an informational packet prepared for distribution to the news media.
press secretary a person who deals with the news media on behalf of a government official or other public figure.
publicity the distribution of information, as through the print or broadcast media, that attracts public attention or interest. [1/2 definitions]
reporter one who gathers, writes, or announces news presented in the media. [1/3 definitions]
town crier a man hired by a town, before the advent of mass media, to proclaim the news or make public announcements in the streets.
tweet a message of up to 140 characters in length shared on the Twitter social media website, which was renamed "X" in 2023. [2/5 definitions]
twitter (cap.) former name a U.S. corporation that developed a social media service in 2006. The company is now called X Corp, and the service is called X. [1/8 definitions]
underground counter to the mainstream political or cultural ideas of a society, and so not visible through the established, conventional media. [1/9 definitions]
unfriend to remove (a person) from a designated list of friends on a social media website.
viral quickly and widely spread through social media. [1/2 definitions]
YouTube the social media service developed by the YouTube corporation. [1/2 definitions]