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baby boomer a person born in the United States during the decade following World War II, in which the population increased dramatically.
betatron in physics, an electron accelerator in which the speed of the electrons is increased to high energies, from a few million to a few hundred million electron volts, by the action of a rapidly changing magnetic field.
demand-pull of or denoting a type of increase in prices that is caused by increased demand for a limited supply of goods or services. (Cf. cost-push.)
diminishing returns a proposition in economics that when the amount of one factor of production, such as labor, is increased past a certain point while the amounts of other factors, such as land or capital, are held constant, additional output will increase only at a progressively lower and lower rate.
dot a point after a musical note or rest, specifying that the time value should be increased by one half, or a point under or over a note to direct one to play staccato. [1/10 definitions]
double anything increased twofold in size, quantity, or the like. [1/19 definitions]
emotion a strong feeling or subjective response such as joy, hatred, or love, sometimes accompanied by involuntary physical changes such as increased pulse or by activity such as crying, laughing, or trembling. [1/3 definitions]
enrich to provide with an increased quantity of any valuable or desirable thing or quality. [1/4 definitions]
erythema abnormal redness of the skin or mucous membranes that is caused by increased blood flow to the capillaries in response to injury, infection, or inflammation.
futurism (sometimes cap.) a theory of art and life that predicts a society of increased mechanization, power, speed, and alienation.
glaucoma a progressively disabling disease of the eye marked by increased pressure in and hardening of the eyeball.
homocysteine An amino acid that is an intermediate in the metabolism of methionine. In humans, elevated levels of homocysteine in blood are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke.
hyperparathyroidism an abnormally high level of parathyroid hormone in the blood, resulting in disrupted calcium metabolism, bone loss, and increased risk of kidney stones.
hypnosis an induced sleeplike condition characterized by increased susceptibility to suggestion. [1/2 definitions]
increase the amount or quantity by which something is increased. [1/6 definitions]
intensive in grammar, indicating increased emphasis. [1/5 definitions]
Laffer Curve a graph illustrating the theory that increasing taxes results in increased government revenue only up to a certain point, after which further tax increases discourage production and investment.
mercantilism the doctrine, developed in the West after the decline of feudalism, that a nation's economy could be strengthened by governmental protection of home industries, by increased foreign exports, and by accumulating gold and silver. [1/2 definitions]
minivan a small, box-shaped passenger van with side windows, often having removable or folding seats for increased cargo room.
Mississippian of, relating to, or designating the first coal-forming period of the Paleozoic Era, from approximately 350 million to 320 million years ago, when land areas increased and winged insects developed; Lower Carboniferous. [1/4 definitions]
multiply1 to become increased in number, degree, or quantity. [1/5 definitions]