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murmur a soft, indistinct, continuous sound, such as that made by low voices in conversation. [1/6 definitions]
palaver idle conversation or discussion, esp. at length. [1/4 definitions]
parlor a room in a house, hotel, restaurant, or the like for conversation or entertaining guests. [1/2 definitions]
party a social gathering or event created for the purpose of celebration or pleasure and at which there is conversation, refreshment, and, usually, music or some other form of entertainment. [1/8 definitions]
pillow talk private conversation of an intimate nature, as between a husband and wife in bed.
repartee conversation characterized by this type of reply; clever banter. [1/3 definitions]
schmooze (informal) to engage in friendly, easy-going conversation, often with the purpose of impressing or influencing. [2 definitions]
shoptalk conversation dealing with, or using the jargon of, one's job or profession, esp. after working hours.
small talk informal or unimportant conversation; chitchat.
speak to take part in conversation. [1/8 definitions]
strike up to begin or cause to begin (the playing of a piece of music, or an acquaintanceship or conversation, or the like).
table talk casual or informal mealtime conversation.
talk the act or process of talking; conversation. [1/14 definitions]
tête-à-tête a conversation between two people in private. [1/3 definitions]
topic a general subject of conversation or other discourse. [1/3 definitions]
video chat a conversation between people via an electronic means that allows both speaking with and viewing the other person or persons. [2 definitions]
well1 used as a filler during a pause in a conversation, or as an introduction to a new topic or to a summary of the previous topic. [1/16 definitions]