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Dictionary Suite
nickname a name given to a person, place, or thing in place of or in addition to the proper name, to indicate humor, familiarity, or the character of the person, place, or thing. [2/3 definitions]
onomastic of or relating to proper names.
onomastics (used with a sing. verb) the study of the origins, history, and forms of proper names. [2 definitions]
Rd. abbreviation of "Road," a long, narrow course, with a smooth and often paved surface, made for the passage of vehicles and people (used as a part of a proper name).
signore an Italian title of courtesy for a man, similar to "Sir" (used without the proper name).
SS abbreviation of "steamship," a large steam-powered ship; steamer (used in a proper name).
St.1 abbreviation of "Street," a public thoroughfare in a town or city (used as part of a proper name).
the1 used before the proper name of a group. [1/11 definitions]
U. abbreviation of "University," an educational institution devoted to learning and research and authorized to award degrees on both the graduate and undergraduate levels (used in a proper name).