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nimbostratus a low, extensive, dark-gray cloud that precipitates rain, snow, or sleet.
nimbus a gray rain cloud that covers the sky uniformly. [1/3 definitions]
pluvial having to do with rain, esp. a lot of rain; rainy. [2 definitions]
pour to rain heavily. [1/6 definitions]
precipitate to cause (moisture) to be transformed from vapor into snow, rain, or the like. [3/11 definitions]
precipitation snow, rain, or the like, or the amount of such matter to fall on a given area in a given amount of time. [1/3 definitions]
rain to fall in the manner of rain. [1/8 definitions]
rainbow an arc in the sky containing the colors of the visible spectrum, which results from the shining of sunlight on water droplets during or after a rain. [1/2 definitions]
rain cats and dogs to rain very heavily.
raindrop a drop of rain.
rainfall a fall of rain. [2 definitions]
rainmaker one who causes or attempts to cause rain to fall, either by scientific or by magical methods.
rainproof keeping rain out; unaffected by rain; waterproof. [1/2 definitions]
rainwater water that has collected or been collected directly from falling rain.
rainwear waterproof or water-repellent clothing for wearing in the rain.
rainy characterized by or having rain.
shower1 a brief fall of rain. [2/11 definitions]
slashing striking heavily, as rain or hail. [1/4 definitions]
sleet freezing rain. [2 definitions]
soppy rainy, esp. characterized by prolonged steady rain. [1/2 definitions]
sprinkle to rain very lightly (often prec. by "it"). [2/9 definitions]