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noncommitted combined form of committed.
old school those committed to traditional or established custom. [1/2 definitions]
original sin in Christianity, the sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve, for which they and all humans were made to suffer pain and mortality.
parricide one who has committed such an act. [1/2 definitions]
patricide a person who has committed such an act. [1/2 definitions]
regret to feel sorrow or remorse for (something committed). [1/7 definitions]
sacrilegious having committed a sacrilege. [1/2 definitions]
single-minded committed to a single goal or purpose. [1/2 definitions]
statutory rape the crime of sexual intercourse committed with a female who is younger than the legal age of consent.
tort-feasor in law, one who has committed a tort.
Trappist a Roman Catholic monk belonging to an austere branch of the Cistercian order that is committed to the vow of absolute silence.
turn in to report (a person) to the police for having committed a crime. [1/3 definitions]
unattached not joined or committed to a person, group, or organization, esp. by engagement, marriage, or membership. [1/2 definitions]
white-collar of a crime, causing harm but not involving physical violence or damage to physical property, and, nowadays, usually committed using computer technology. [1/2 definitions]
white-collar crime a crime such as embezzlement or fraud that is committed by a business executive, government official, or other white-collar worker.
whodunit (informal) a fictional crime story, in which the object is usu. to discover who has done or committed the crime.