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on with firm attachment. [1/19 definitions]
proximal located near the center of the body or toward the point of origin or attachment, as a bone. (Cf. distal.)
reattachment combined form of attachment.
soul mate a person, usu. of the opposite sex, with whom one has a strong intimate attachment based on shared interests, values, and the like.
tap1 to put into or remove from a position, attachment, or the like by tapping. [1/7 definitions]
triceps a large muscle on the back of the upper arm that straightens the elbow and has three points of attachment.
trochanter in anatomy, either of two knoblike structures located at the upper end of the femur in humans and most other mammals that serve as muscle attachment points. [1/2 definitions]
tucker1 someone or something that tucks, esp. a sewing machine attachment used to make tucks. [1/2 definitions]