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Dictionary Suite
opéra comique opera with spoken dialogue in addition to musical solos and ensembles.
opera seria eighteenth-century Italian dramatic opera, characterized by frequent arias and classical or mythological themes.
operatic characteristic of or pertaining to the opera. [2/3 definitions]
operetta a short light, usu. humorous opera, often with dialogue that is spoken as well as sung.
Penzance a seaport town in the southwest corner of England and the setting of Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera, The Pirates of Penzance.
personae the characters in a play, novel, opera, or other work of fiction; dramatis personae.
prima donna the principal female soloist or singer in a concert, opera, or opera company. [1/2 definitions]
recitative in opera, a vocal music passage delivered in the rhythm and cadence of speech. [1/2 definitions]
soap (informal) soap opera. [1/3 definitions]
soapy (informal) of or resembling a soap opera. [1/4 definitions]
soubrette a pert, saucy, or flirtatious maidservant or lady's maid in a comic play or opera, or the actress or singer who plays such a role.