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Dictionary Suite
oven a compartment, as in a stove, that can be heated for baking or roasting food or the like.
pew a seating compartment in a church. [1/2 definitions]
roomette a small private sleeping compartment on a train.
rumble a rear seat or compartment in a carriage, for servants or baggage. [1/8 definitions]
smack3 a fishing boat with a sloop rig and a compartment for carrying the fish alive.
stall1 any small enclosed area; compartment. [1/13 definitions]
stroma in botany, the fluid inside the main compartment of the chloroplast where the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis occur. [1/3 definitions]
tonneau the enclosed rear seating compartment in an early model of automobile, or the entire body of such a model. [2 definitions]
trunk a large compartment in an automobile, usu. in the rear, for storing items such as luggage, parcels, and tools. [1/10 definitions]
vault1 a strongly built room or compartment in which valuable things are stored, as in a bank. [1/7 definitions]