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overemphasis combined form of emphasis.
point to give added emphasis to (often fol. by "up"). [1/18 definitions]
primary accent the strongest stress or emphasis given to one syllable in a spoken word or to one word in an utterance; primary stress. [1/2 definitions]
reemphasis combined form of emphasis.
romantic (usu. cap.) of or relating to the styles of European music, literature, and art of the early nineteenth century, characterized by an emphasis on freedom and by idealized and exalted conceptions of man and nature. (Cf. classical.) [1/8 definitions]
romanticism (usu. cap.) a European artistic and intellectual movement of the early nineteenth century, characterized by an emphasis on individual freedom from social conventions or political restraints, on human imagination, and on nature, usu. in an idealized form. (Cf. classicism.) [1/2 definitions]
sforzando with sudden force or strong emphasis; accented (used as a musical direction). [1/2 definitions]
sirree (informal) sir (used for emphasis after "yes" or "no").
so used as an expression of surprise, amazement, understanding, emphasis, or the like. [1/15 definitions]
-soever any of all those (persons, objects, places, times, means, or the like) that are possible (used after who, what, where, when, and how for added emphasis or generalizing force).
stress the importance or significance given to something; emphasis. [3/8 definitions]
stressed of a word or syllable, bearing a greater emphasis than other words or syllables when spoken. [1/3 definitions]
the1 used to indicate that something is the most fashionable or distinctive of its kind (spoken with strong emphasis and pronounced the same as the word "thee." Often italicized or in all capitals when appearing in written text). [1/11 definitions]
there used to give emphasis. [1/10 definitions]
trade school a school, often a secondary school, in which the emphasis is on the teaching of skilled trades.
underlining added emphasis, as on an instruction or a point in argument. [1/3 definitions]
underscore a line or lines drawn under written or printed text for emphasis or to indicate italics; underline. [1/3 definitions]
unstressed lacking emphasis. [1/2 definitions]
weight to give an advantage, emphasis, or bias to. [1/13 definitions]
weighted giving an advantage, emphasis, or bias. [1/3 definitions]
whomsoever whomever (used for emphasis).