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pack rat (informal) a person who saves, collects, or hoards a great variety of items, many of them useless. [1/2 definitions]
pointless useless to pursue; without meaning. [1/3 definitions]
reclamation the act or process of restoring poor-quality or useless land. [1/3 definitions]
rot to deteriorate or become damaged, unsafe, or useless (often fol. by "away," through," or the like). [1/12 definitions]
scrap1 to discard as worthless, useless, or unfeasible. [1/6 definitions]
scrapheap a pile of useless material, esp. rusted metal.
stultify to render worthless or useless; cripple or nullify.
trash anything considered worthless or useless, and usu. discarded; rubbish; garbage. [1/7 definitions]
trumpery something of little value; useless finery. [2/3 definitions]
valueless of no value; worthless; useless.
void having no effect; futile; useless. [1/11 definitions]
waste seen or rejected as useless or worthless. [1/18 definitions]
wear out to make useless through prolonged use. [2/3 definitions]