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panda a large bearlike mammal of China and Tibet that has woolly fur with dramatic black and white markings, including black rings around the eyes; giant panda. [2 definitions]
pangolin a toothless mammal of Africa and Asia that feeds on ants and termites and rolls into a ball when attacked; scaly anteater.
platypus an egg-laying mammal of Australia and Tasmania that has webbed feet for swimming, a broad, horny bill like that of a duck, and a long, flat tail, and that lives in and near water.
polecat a dark-furred carnivorous mammal of the weasel family found in Eurasia and northern Africa. [1/2 definitions]
pregnant of a woman or other female mammal, bearing one or more developing fetuses in the womb (sometimes fol. by "with"). [1/4 definitions]
quagga an extinct mammal of southern Africa that resembled and was related to the zebra.
raccoon a nocturnal North American mammal having brownish gray fur, masklike black facial markings, and black rings around the tail. [1/2 definitions]
roundworm a worm with a long, cylindrical, unsegmented body that is a parasite in mammal intestines.
sable a weasel-like mammal of the cold regions of Eurasia that has very dark, valuable fur. [2/6 definitions]
sea cow a large vegetarian sea mammal with flipperlike forelimbs, a blunt snout, and large lips, such as a dugong or manatee.
seal2 the hide or fur of such a mammal. [1/4 definitions]
skunk a small, meat-eating North American mammal with black fur, a bushy tail, and a broad white stripe down its back, noted for the foul smell of the fluid it ejects when alarmed. [1/3 definitions]
snow leopard a large, long-haired white feline mammal with dark blotches in its fur, found in central Asia.
sploot of a mammal, to lie flat with the front side of the body on the ground or other surface and with hind legs and sometimes front legs spread out in full length, typically done for the purpose of cooling the body.
Tasmanian devil a small, burrowing, ferocious carnivorous mammal native to Tasmania.
tiger a large flesh-eating Asian mammal of the cat family that has a distinctive tawny coat marked by black stripes. [1/3 definitions]
ungulate a mammal that has hoofs. [1/2 definitions]
urethra a duct that carries urine outside the body from the bladder and that, in a male mammal, conducts the semen.
uterus the muscular organ of a female mammal in which the fertilized ovum is held and develops before birth; womb. [1/2 definitions]
vicuņa a wild cloven-hoofed, cud-chewing mammal of South America that is related to the llama but is smaller and has a silky fleece. [1/2 definitions]
wolverine a carnivorous North American mammal related to the weasel, with dark, shaggy fur, white markings on the face and body, and a bushy tail.